Help with electrical problems in your living room

Are you experiencing electrical issues in your lounge?

If you are experiencing electrical issues in your lounge then contact our Walthamstow Electricians immediately on 07464 786086

At Lloyd Hallowell Electrics, we understand how important the lounge is as part of your home and daily life. Having a fully functioning lounge with the latest tech and the right atmosphere can make a huge difference to the comfort and standard of living for anyone. In today’s modern world, it’s almost unthinkable to have a lounge without a smart TV and other gadgets such as surround sound, WiFi, dimmable lights or even games consoles.

It doesn’t matter whether you live in an apartment, a detached or semi-detached home, we have the skills and expertise to help ensure that your lounge and your home is fully functioning from an electrical perspective.

We are East London electricians covering the following areas: Walthamstow, Chingford, Bow, Leytonston, Leyton and other surrounding areas in London.

Typical electrical faults in lounges

When it comes to electrical faults in the lounge, there can be many different kinds of issues ranging from issues with appliances, through to general issues with lighting and general electrical circuitry.

When we arrive, we will work with you to understand the potential electrical repair and maintenance issues and find a solution.

What sort of appliances does an emergency electrician cover?

Support is provided for a range of lounge appliances. If you are unsure or have any questions, get in touch to see if we can help. Issues can occur with a range of appliances such as TVs, electric sockets, lounge lighting and TV/recording boxes. A major issue many of our customers face nowadays is how to make sure that the electric system can cope with so many devices being in use at the same time and if there are enough plug sockets!

Some lounge appliances can create issues with electrical sockets and cause the fusebox to trip. In this article, we discuss the various issues that might occur with electrical devices and appliances in the lounge, and what you can do about them.

If you are experiencing an electrical issue with a lounge appliance such as a TV or with your lounge electrical sockets, then it’s recommended to contact emergency electricians straightaway.

Whilst there could be a fault with the appliance itself, there could also be issues with some electrical appliances causing an overload on the system and forcing the fusebox to trip. Whilst having an electrical system is a good thing as it cuts off power for your safety and in order to protect anyone in the home, it also means that there is an issue that needs to be addressed quickly.

Another frequent issue is when too many appliances are connected to the electrical system. In this instance, a new, upgraded fuse box might be necessary. Our local electrician will be able to test the system and assess if this is needed.

Fill our online Booking form for Electrical services.

Electrical risks

The various electrical problems that might occur in a lounge can also have dangerous side effects and various risks including issues such as an electric shock or loss of power during the night when it’s dark.

An Emergency Electrician will help you to quickly solve any wiring issues or problems with your electric circuits. It’s important to contact professional electricians who can service you as quickly and as professionally as possible.

Main causes of lounge electrical faults

There are various reasons why electrical faults might originate from a lounge. Because of the nature of the lounge and the way that it is used on a daily basis, there can often be a lot of pressure put on to the electrical system and on the sockets. This can cause a device to fail, as well as result in short-circuiting.

Another frequent problem is issues caused from overloading individual sockets by using too many extension leads. Using an extension lead is a great way to be able to plug more devices in and to position them in areas that do not have a nearby socket – but they carry risks. Extension plugs, for example, should not be used to plug in devices that consume more power than an individual socket can handle. They are designed to be used with multiple low power devices that aren’t always in use at the same time.

Another common issue is when multiple extension leads are connected to each other to make a longer chain that also provides more sockets. We strongly advise against doing this.

Having lots of power-hungry lounge appliances on at the same time can cause an overload to the system and can cause a fuse box to trip. You might also have this issue if you have devices on in the lounge while food is cooking in the kitchen. Having an electric cooker and microwave on at the same time as a home entertainment system in the lounge can be very power consuming.

Another common issue is when a device or appliance becomes faulty. Faulty devices need to be replaced as quickly as possible, otherwise, they can lead to frequent power cuts or loss of electricity in the home. If you have an old TV, for example, that is very old and is faulty, then this should be replaced, straightaway.

We understand that it’s not always that simple if you don’t have an immediate replacement but the longer you leave it to find a replacement, the greater the frustration and risks.

Faults with lounge lighting

Lounge lights may often be an area of concern for residential houses and, depending on the type of issue, they’re not as simple to fix as a lounge electrical socket, on account of the manner that they’re incorporated, or installed into the ceiling and wall space

The typical solution to your light problem is the replacement of a lighting unit. If you are experiencing issues with your lounge lights, then make sure to get hold of a 24 Hour Emergency Electrician, who will be able to give you a hand.

Safety risks

There are potential dangers when electrical devices fail, or there are electrical problems originating out of a lounge.

If there are issues with electrical sockets or electric appliances then there is a substantial risk of an electric shock if a family member touches an appliance that is plugged in.

In this example, we recommend immediately turning off the energy of any devices which may be faulty to guarantee the safety of everybody in the home, and also to prevent electric shock.

Other issues include the risks of having no power at nighttime in the winter.

Finally, one other problem that can be caused because of electrical problems is damage to other electrical apparatus. If there’s a fault in the electrical system due to a single electric device, then this can have a knock-on effect on other devices which are attached to the exact same electrical circuitry.

Finding a local electrician

We provide local support for anyone looking for a local Emergency Electrician. East London and Greater London are the primary areas that we cover including Essex & Kent. If you have electrical issues related to your lounge, then contact us on 0800 788 0629 straight away.

We have a huge and increasing number of 5-star reviews from our customers and, thanks to the professional approach we have taken to supporting customers.

What to do if you have a power cut or electrical emergency

Safety first, fix the issue second!

If you have an electrical emergency then always take the approach that it’s safety first, fix the issue second. If a family member or friend has been injured or there is a risk of harm then take care of that first. Contact emergency services if necessary and isolate the power to avoid further injuries. If you need help cutting off the power, then call us on 07464 786086 straight away and we should be able to help you over the phone.

If you have a power cut then consider calling 105.

Call 105 if you’ve got a power cut or will need to report an electricity network safety issue. You can call 105 regardless of who you choose to buy your electricity from – whether it’s E.ON, EDF Energy, Npower, ScottishPower, Utility Warehouse, Octopus Energy or Southern Electric.

It is also possible to call 105 if you spot damage to power lines and substations that could put you, or somebody else, at risk.

The 105 service was launched in late 2016 and it’s worth making a note of this easy to remember the number. It’s a totally free service for individuals who reside in England, Scotland and Wales – and a first for the UK’s energy market.

The memorable national number will help advise of any power issues locally and will investigate any infrastructure issues that there might be.

Once you have addressed the ‘safety first’ part, it’s time to ‘fix the issue second’. For a full assessment of the situation and to fix the issue, call us and we will work with you to get everything back to normal.

Top tips for avoiding electrical issues in your lounge

Here are some top tips for preventing an electrical problem in your lounge:

  • Never use switches or some other electrical equipment when your hands are wet
  • Do not wrap elastic cables around any gear when It’s still warm
  • Ensure You have a working smoke detector if something does go wrong
  • Check that flexible leads and appliances like TVs are in good shape
  • Don’t attempt to clean or fix an appliance if it is still plugged in
  • Don’t combine multiple extension leads together to increase the number of devices you can use on one socket. This is dangerous
  • If you are using an extension lead, try to have a mix of high and low power devices that are used at different times, try to avoid having too many high power devices on one extension lead
  • Do not leave electrical appliances such as running unattended and for long periods of time
  • If you have any electrical concerns in your lounge, contact an emergency electrician for advice
  • Avoid storing objects on top of appliances such as TV recording boxes, which may block ventilation
  • Try to avoid having too many appliances on full power at the same time.

Also, if a socket in the lounge, or anywhere else in the home is very likely to be used to supply portable equipment outdoors, it needs to be guarded by an RCD.

Advice for fixing RCD faults

If you’re having problems with your RCD subsequently follow this advice. To begin with, unplug all of the appliances in the property and be certain all the sockets are vacant.

If the RCD fails to function (in other words, even if the RCD resets back), a certified electrical contractor such as us, must be engaged to check the RCD and replace it if needed. The button is just going to test the RCD if a power supply is connected.

To ensure that the RCD is fitted into your house and functioning correctly, it needs to be analyzed at regular intervals. We recommend that each RCD is tested every 3 months.

Once you’ve completed the evaluation, all electricity is lost. To restore power all you want to do is move the “on/off” switch back to the “on” position. Unfortunately, some electric devices such as clocks and timing apparatus may want to be flashed.

A quick overview of the RCD

RCD stands for a residual current device as the device has two rods. One is for live cable and the other for the ball neutral or, depending on the device it can be to wire a single-phase link. The role of the RCD is to compare the presence of live and neutral wires and to cut off power if there is an issue.

If some of the cables current isn’t as it should be then this will cause the RCD to trip

Single-phase and three-phase RCDs work in precisely the same manner. With a single-phase RCD, one cable is being compared to a different one but with a three-phase RCD, 3 cables are being compared to a neutral wire

When an RCD is being tested, it must return a correct result but not in terms of voltages. Real energy is recorded in voltages, however, when testing an RCD, the level of the current stays the same so that it can test the amount of current entering versus what is being returned. In other words, the returning current should be equivalent to the entering current. By analysing the current this way, the RCD helps detect any leakage in the current. If there is a leakage then this reflects an electrical issue, causing it to trip.

Top tips for loving your living room appliances (+ saving electricity)

Saving electricity and looking after your appliances are great ways to ensure that your lounge is a safe, comfortable place to be in. Being energy efficient does not always mean a big change to your routine, it can often take just a few tiny adjustments to your lifestyle.

Here are some valuable tips to consider:

  • Set up the snooze functionality on your TV so that it turns off or goes to sleep if it’s left on for too long. This helps to save power if you leave it on by mistake, but…
  • Always turn off your TV and other devices when you leave the lounge
  • Buying a new appliance? Look for the Energy Saving Recommended logo. These more efficient appliances can save you over £35 a year.
  • If a device in your lounge is getting hot, consider turning it off for at least 10-15 minutes to cool down. This will protect the longevity of the device, save power and reduce the risk of electrical issues.
  • If you charge your phone in the lounge then consider turning it off while it’s charging. Leaving it on doesn’t just waste power, it puts a lot of pressure on the phone battery as it is using up power and consuming power at the same time. This reduces the life of the battery and causes it to get warmer and potentially to overheat.
  • Consider LED lighting for your lounge. It’s atmospheric, saves money and is safer than older lighting systems.
  • Don’t just put devices to sleep, switch them off! While devices have become better at saving power in sleep mode, they are still consuming power. The only way to let devices cool down and to save power is to switch them off.
  • Leaving a room? Don’t forget to turn off your lights and consider LED or energy saving bulbs. They last up to 10 times longer than traditional bulbs and use around 80% less energy.

We hope you find these tips useful. When it comes to using different electrical devices in a home, the more you look after them, the longer they will last, resulting in lower replacement costs and a reduced risk of an electrical problem in your lounge.

Lounge electrical faults during renovations

If you are experiencing multiple issues with lounge electrics, then it might be time to review what you have. We are happy to continue supporting you with existing, older lounge electrics as well as with any new installations and lounge upgrades.

If you are having a lounge re-styled or renovated then an electrician is necessary to help connect up electrical items including lighting. If you have had an issue with a recent lounge renovation and a poorly done installation and are worried that you have issues related to the electrics then you will need 24 hour emergency electricians. Get in touch with us and we will review the work that has been done and advise on the next steps.

You can CALL Us at 07464 786086.


Below are some of the frequently asked questions we have been asked over the years about the support we provide for lounges. If you have further questions, don’t hesitate to email or call us. We would be happy to help further. Contact Lloyd Hallowell Electrics.

Do you provide support for electrical issues with TV?

Yes, we do. We can’t repair your TV but we will be able to ensure that your home is safe and that you have electricity. We will also review your circuitry to make sure that there aren’t any other faults.

If you have issues with a faulty TV, get in touch.

Will I need to replace a faulty TV?

We would need to understand more about the issue but if your TV is faulty then, yes, you will most likely need to have it repaired or replaced. We can advise you based on our knowledge and expertise and can help with the electrical side of the installation.

Do you provide support for electrical issues with charging sockets?

Yes, we do provide support for electrical issues with charging sockets. We can test different sockets and quickly understand what the issue is. We can then address the problem so that your lounge is safe to use.

If I have a faulty electric socket, will I need to replace it?

We’d have to know more about the matter but if you have a faulty electric socket then, yes, you’ll probably have to get it replaced or repaired. We can advise you accordingly.

If you have issues with a faulty electrical socket in your lounge, get in touch.

What locations do your emergency electricians cover?

We are based in East London but we cover surrounding areas within an hours drive. If you are looking for an emergency electrician, Walthamstow is various areas we cover as well as other local towns in Waltham Forest.

Do you provide support for issues related to faulty lounge lighting?

Yes, we do. If your lighting is not working, it might also be causing a loss of power. In this case, we will need to examine the lighting unit and wiring. We provide support for faulty LED lighting as well as faulty lounge uplights. We are also an authorised reseller for smart lighting and can assist with a lounge lighting upgrade.

Are your electricians in other parts of London?

If you live in London and are looking for an emergency electrician, all of London is covered as part of our services as well as other towns and villages in the Essex area.

Can extension leads cause an electrical fault?

There are a number of ways that an extension lead can cause an electrical fault in your lounge. A faulty extension lead can cause an electrical surge, leading to the risk of an electric shock or a loss of power in the home. A modern extension lead with power surge protection is less likely to be problematic but if you are short of sockets in your lounge then a better long-term solution is to have extra sockets installed by a qualified electrician.

An extension lead can become faulty due to a number of reasons including the failure of an internal component or due to human error.

Similarly, spilt liquid such as water can cause an extension lead to break down and result in the trip switch going off in your home.

If you have a faulty extension lead, replace it immediately and call an emergency electrician to make sure that your home is safe.

Are your emergency electricians in Enfield?

Yes, our electricians cover Enfield. If you are looking for an emergency electrician, Enfield is covered as part of our emergency electrician services. We can provide a 2 hour guaranteed response to anyone living in the area of Enfield and the surrounding area.

When it comes to looking for an emergency electrician, Chingford (which is near enfield) is one of our main base and we are happy to help anyone within an hour’s drive.

What is an emergency electricians call-out fee?

We offer very affordable pricing with a slightly higher price if you telephone us in the evenings or even in the middle of night.

This electrician call out charge covers our time and prices. We do not have any hidden expenses and are always transparent in regards to costs.

To find out more, see our electrician call out charges or get in touch by calling 07464 786086

Can TV boxes lead to an electrical fault?

Whilst this is rare, it can still happen. Older TV boxes are more likely to fail and have knock on effects with your home electrical system.

In this instance we recommend replacing your TV box and calling us to make sure that your home electrical system is safe and not damaged.

Are there any lounge faults you don’t cover?

We have been serving customers for many years, helping them with electrical issues around the home and when it comes to the lounge, we have not yet come across an issue we can’t help with!

Whatever the electrical lounge issue you have, we are confident we can help. Our expertise and knowledge will help you to solve your electrical problem whether it’s related to lounge appliances such as electric sockets, TVs, Entertainment systems and your lounge lighting.

Please note that in today’s modern consumer society we are unlikely to be able to repair devices such as a smart TV but we can make sure that they are not causing issues within your home and can advise on what action to take. We also undertake repairs of electric sockets and lighting systems so that they are safe and working well.

Do you provide electrical help in the home?

If you have an electrical problem in other areas of the home, we can help. As well as faulty lounge electrics, we also provide support for bathrooms, bedrooms and kitchens as well as issues outside of a property such as outdoor lighting.

Don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have an electrical issue in your home. When it comes to professional electricians, we can help!

Is there a risk of fire with electrical faults?

Yes, unfortunately, there is a risk of fire if you have an electrical fault! While this is rare, it’s still possible, especially from devices that are overheating.

Modern devices now have technology built-in to cool themselves down but there is still a risk. Most risks of fire in a home actually come from the kitchen.

Emergency electrician call out service in Chingford

Do you offer emergency electrician call-out service in Chingford? Yes, we do. If you are looking for an emergency electrician, Chingford is covered as part of our services as well as Woodford Green and Chigwell. Our main offices are in Chingford, not far away.

Benefits of hiring us for your emergency electrical lounge needs!

Using a local electrician has many benefits. They will understand how to cope with your electrical problems and it is worth understanding, not just the benefits but the importance of employing an emergency electrician. Get in touch with Emergency Electricians to cater to your electric needs. You are able to search for us on the internet with the query “emergency electricians near me”.

There are lots of perks of hiring a local electrician as they will know the area inside out. You’ll have the ability to enjoy insured services that will cover not just broken appliances, but also uncontrolled surges that may damage the wiring! You can employ our electrician to cope with damaged wiring which could otherwise be quite harmful to you in the event that you try to repair the damaged circuits yourself.

You can find us online and call our reliable electrician using a simple online question “local emergency electricians near me” which will provide you an opportunity to enjoy the best electrical services in your area!

More detailed information on the support we provide

We care about you, and your safety. If you wish to make sure your home does not catch fire due to loose wiring or damaged circuit boards, then get expert assistance. Without the right support, you’ll be able to handle simple repairs yourself, but it might become increasingly hard to sort out complex electrical issues. Our proficient electrician will understand each and every part of the electric circuit and is able to determine the problem very quickly. If you would like to save time and money then be certain to get your electric issues sorted quickly.

Our maintenance electrician will have the ability to provide you with a full inspection update and will outline any issues in a language that’s easy to understand.

It’s always a great help if you understand the advantages of selecting a maintenance electrician so you can get the right support, fast – including replacing a fusebox service that’s performed by an expert fusebox electrician.

Our prices are competitive, and we are fully transparent about what we charge including our electrician call-out fee.

Trouble brewing?

At Lloyd Hallowell Electrics, we want you to be able to brew tea, relax and enjoy your lounge comfortably – and as safely as possible. We understand how difficult it is to appreciate your lounge and dining area if you are experiencing electrical issues and that’s why we are here to help!

If you are worried about an electrical issue related to your lounge then don’t hesitate to give us a call at 07464 786086

Fun Facts

If you have called us for help and we are on our way, your electrical issue should be sorted out very soon! In the meantime, if you need to take your mind off what might be a stressful situation, here are some fun facts to distract you!

Call Us or Fill our Online Booking Form, we will respond You immediately.

1. Going through a bad spell?

Did you know that the word Electrician is often spelled wrong, even by some of our competitors? Over the years we have seen people ask for help from an electrison or urgent electrical help from an electrician. As we read things quickly, sometimes the human eye doesn’t notice when a letter is missing in the middle of a word. This means that many people won’t notice the mistake when a letter c or i is missing – or when two letters are the wrong way around. This means that you might have called an emergency electrian or a maintenance electrician.

If you have kids, now is the time to distract by listing the many ways you could wrongly spell electrician!

2. So much training!

Electricians need to acquire a lot of expertise, so there is no room for mistakes, and everything needs to be done with precision. To be fully qualified and have the right knowledge and expertise to become an electrician, the ‘practice time’ is at least 8 years.

The rationale behind such a very long training period is because, like a doctor, an electrician needs to be able to figure out and “diagnose” the problem with the right solution.

Frequently they’re up against dangerous situations due to the fact that many folks are not aware of the risks of electricity or just how to manage it/

Not only does the electrician have to use his knowledge and experience to improve the problem but it must also be carried out inline with latest regulations and safety standards!

It’s incredible to think that at Emergency Electricians, we have so many years of experience, yet we compress all of this down into a 24 hour call out guarantee and solving issues for a custom in a matter of minutes and hours!

3. How fit are electricians?

We can’t give you the answer to that but it’s certainly a very physically challenging job!

Rarely getting the chance to perform some sit-down work, electricians are often on their feet. Climbing into attics and on top of roofs or moving underground and crawling into restricted places can be exhausting and requires a lot of body power.

Bending and squeezing into small areas may be uncomfortable and isn’t the job for everyone.

As well as physical fitness, mental fitness is also important. There’s a load of information which has to be learned.

Math’s is a key skill that’s required, as well as the capability to read and comprehend blueprints, not just that but electricians possess impeccable memories and also will need to have the ability to memorise national and local codes and also execute their processes while still abiding by those regulations.

Organisation is critical and fast thinking to solve a problem the moment it happens, since there isn’t any alternative route when it has to do with power and fully qualified electricians understand how to control it and its own risks.

We hope you have enjoyed these fun facts. In summary, electricians have lots of years of experience and have to be both physically and mentally in shape – and if you need an electriction, we can help.

(Yes – we spelt electrician wrong on purpose).


If you are looking for an emergency electrician to address electrical lounge issues then you have come to the right place! 

Lounges can contain a lot of electrical devices and are where we spend most of our time, especially in the evening and during the winter nights when it’s cold and dark outside. Making sure that your lounge is a great place to be is important and we understand how important the lounge is for our customers and that’s why being able to fix electrical faults in the lounge is our thing!

On this page, we have also discussed the benefits of using us as an emergency electrician. Chingford, Walthamstow and many areas of East London are supported and if you have an electrical problem in any of those areas as well as Essex and Kent, then we can help.

We provide solutions to issues with wiring, electric circuits, RCDs and fuseboxes and provide a 24-hour call out guarantee.

We have also provided top tips to help you deal with emergency electrical issues in a lounge – as well as some fun facts!

An electric shock as well as general loss of power are just some of the reasons why an emergency electrician should be called straight away.

We are offering 24 hours 7 days a week support for the full 365 days a year! Our highly qualified electricians are available to support you for any 24 7 electrical emergency call-out or if you are searching for 24hr electrical service near me.

Call 07464 786086 for Emergency Electrician.

Lloyd Hallowell Electrics | East London electrician | Walthamstow Electrician | Leytonstone Electrician | Enfield Electrician

Don’t hesitate to contact us for any electrical needs or inquiries.

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